In ancient Greek the term Aletheia represented truth or disclosure in philosophy; the literal meaning of the word is "the state of not being hidden. In Greek mythology the goddess Aletheia was the daughter of Zeus.
As the research center at SRR Aletheia is currently engaged in distinguishing coded or encrypted signals from random noise. In part, Aletheia poses the following question: what would allow us to recognize a languagelike form of communication even if it were distinctly alien with respect to all human languages? Many of the characteristics exhibited in the surface structure of encrypted signals require no special insight into meaning or referential function and have no correspondence with natural language grammars. But our working hypothesis is that a languagelike signal should exhibit a combinatorial form in which distinguishable elements recur in different combinations. It should exhibit creative productivity, diverse outputs, and a relatively limited amount of largescale redundancy. Furthermore, while there should be a high degree of variety in the possible combinations of elements, the majority of combinatorial possibilities should be systematically excluded. Where there are possible correlations between individual signals and observable objects and events, they should not exhibit a simple one-to-one mapping. The correlations between sign elements and their pragmatic context should differ radically yet systematically from occasion to occasion, depending on how those signals are arranged in combination with respect to one another.
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