All of the advanced courses described under Ariadne require competence in one or more fundamental aspects of Computer Science. The Open Courses are the subset of those prerequisites that have wider application; therefore SRR has elected to make them publicly available over You Tube. They were designed and recorded by Thomas Sheehan whose biography is shown at the end of these listings
SRR_9: The if Statement; Boolean Variables; Relational Operators; Flags; Comparing Characters; The if-else Statement; Nested if Statements; The if-else-if Statement; Logical Operators.
SRR_10: Comparing String Objects; Introduction to the Eclipse Debugger; More About Variable Declaration and Scope.
Due for release 01/1/25
Due for release 02/15/25
Due for release 06/15/25
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Professor Sheehan is the former Inspector General for Investigations at the U.S. Department of the Interior and a charter member of the federal government's Senior Executive Service. Following his retirement from federal service he served as a software architect on several classified projects and was the recipient of the Lockheed Martin President’s Award for his work on the Army Global Command and Control System. In 2002 he joined the faculty of Virginia Tech as Director of the Master’s Degree Program in Information Technology. He developed and taught the core courses in machine architecture and software engineering and served as a visiting professor in Virginia Tech’s joint degree program with the S.P. Jain Institute in Mumbai India. Currently he is engaged in cryptanalysis research in the Alethia Program
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